How was today National Parks Day?! We've already been to so many Great Sand Dunes, Mesa Verde, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Arches, Canyonlands, and Capitol Reef. What made this day so special? Three National Parks in 1 day. I know, crazy, but by the end of the day we were going to be exhausted and thrilled by some of the most amazing views this earth has to offer.
I know what you are thinking, I'm not even sure Karl Malone spent this
much time in Utah and it's true we have been in Utah for a long time. But let me tell you, the state has some amazing things going
on, including a seemingly endless supply of National Parks.
We started this morning unlike many before, waking up with the sole purpose of watching the sunrise. I've done the 'stay up all night to watch the sun come up,' usually with a cohort of mine, Brad Jones, which have included Coney Island and the St. Louis Arch, not on the same night sadly, but maybe one day those stories will be told, but I have yet to do the wake up and watch the sunrise.
It was chilly and we didn't feel like changing out of our pajamas to go watch the sun come up so I kept my Guinness pants on as we found our way over to the Sunset Point we had been to the previous evening. We were not the only ones that had this idea to watch the sunrise from Sunset Point and there were about 8 other people, camera in tow, jockeying for the best spot to watch the sun come up. We had the camera ready, snapping pictures as the colors turned from gray to light orange and began turning brighter. Then of course, this is when my camera decides to burn out of batteries. We had more readily the car...10 minutes back down the trail. We didn't turn our backs on the sunrise though and figured that not every moment needed to be captured on camera.
Sunrise over Bryce Canyon - Last picture before the batteries ran out |
Now that the sun was burning brightly in the sky we decided to go back to bed. It was only a little after 6 and figured a nap wouldn't hurt so we went back to our teepee and snuggled back up in the darkness that the canvas shelter created. We could have slept all day in the teepee and not known it. It was like midnight inside it was so dark. But after a little cat nap we were off to head towards the Grand Canyon. As we were driving west through Utah we were discussing if we should go to Zion National Park today or tomorrow. We were going drive by it this morning but then also on our way back out of the Grand Canyon we were going to double back. Decisions. Decisions.
Big Horn Sheep in Zion |
We decided to go to Zion today and I'm not even sure what our reasoning was behind the decision. Megan had been to Zion only the year before with her family but I had never been to the park and really had no idea what to expect. Megan wouldn't stop talking about how amazing it was with giant canyon walls and endless cliffs. Even before we really got into the canyon part we received a treat; there was a pack of big horn sheep resting on top of a rock formation. The horns were amazing to see as the sheep rested in the shade. Plus the road itself is quite a sight to see. At some points the road is essentially a tunnel through the rock face but with openings and windows looking out over the canyon. The engineering involved is amazing and it is incredibly exciting when you catch a glimpse of the canyon through the tunnel wall.
Scenery on the Drive in to Zion |
We arrived down in the bottom of the canyon at the visitors center to find out that you can't drive anywhere and have to take a bus to all the locations inside Zion. Megan supposedly told me this fact but I knew nothing of it. We packed a backpack with some snacks, water bottles, and camera and went inside the visitors center to figure out what we wanted to do. After some deliberation, Megan decided that Angels Landing would be too long and difficult and that we didn't need to hike through the river because it wasn't all that much fun last summer. We did find a short hike up to a little waterfall and then we thought we could take the tour bus around to the other places and if we wanted to jump off we could and if we weren't feeling it we could see the canyon from the bus.
Zion National Park |
Zion National Park |
Our first hike was quick and easy, the waterfall was lame and I can't remember more than that. So we jumped back on the bus and took it towards the end of the canyon. As we were riding, we got to see some great views of the cliffs and Megan decided that we should at least climb half way up Angels Landing to see Zion canyon from that angle. So we jumped back off the bus and started the strenuous climb up the canyon wall. After countless switchbacks and what felt like a 7 mile hike, we turned back around a corner and had an incredible sight. Zion Canyon, stunning and mighty, is quite an amazing place.
Zion National Park |
We were hot and tired by the time we made it back down to the canyon floor and we were very glad that the lodge, restaurant, and gift shop was only a quick walk down the trail. We found the food court to not appeal all that much to our growling stomachs but decided that splitting a salad would tide us over until we found something more. The salad ended up being fresh, colorful, large and filling. We devoured the whole thing and felt very healthy afterwards. A quick stop in the gift shop to pick up some nick-knacks and then we were going to head towards our campsite just outside the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, and move on past the state of Utah.
We had reserved this campsite a few weeks earlier as the North Rim doesn't have a lot of places to stay near by and the campground inside the park was already booked up. We originally thought about staying two days at the Grand Canyon but last minute decided we should spend an extra night in Las Vegas. Our plan was then to reach our campsite and then the next morning check out the Grand Canyon!
We reached our campsite in Kaibab, Arizona. I'm not sure if there was a town or anything more than the campground but it was a great place. Lots of pine trees and our site was down next to a pasture where there were a few horses roaming around. By the time we set up camp and it was late in the afternoon. We didn't have anything to do the rest of the day and after playing a few hands of cards and discussing the Grand Canyon we said screw it, let's go see it now. So we jumped in the car and drove the last 45 minutes to the North Rim, our third national park of the day.
First View of the Grand Canyon |
We found our way our towards the edge and bam! the view becomes endless. At first, I was unimpressed. This was my first time at the Grand Canyon and had heard all those amazing things, it's breathtaking, you'll never see anything like it, yada yada yada. Well when I first looked out into the canyon I thought, "eh, it doesn't seem as deep as the Black Canyon, and Canyonlands is more visually stunning." Maybe that was the downside to all the amazing things we had already seen, we were becoming numb to things that are grand. I stand by what I think about the Black Canyon and Canyonlands and Zion that they are all incredible and maybe because I had lower expectations of those places and wanted the Grand Canyon to be ten times cooler than those other place that I wasn't blown away by the Grand Canyon. However, as I stood next to this canyon it grew on me, I noticed how dark it was in some valleys and that I was standing 15 miles from the south rim and just how massive this canyon really is. I will sum it up with this, initially I was underwhelmed and now looking at the pictures I wonder how I could ever have felt like that.
Grand Canyon |
I have never been to the south rim, but I have heard that it is tourism at its worst. The North Rim was nothing like that. I understand that the south rim is way easier to get to from Phoenix but I would definitely advise the 3 hour drive around the canyon to reach the North Rim because it is a beautiful place. There is a gorgeous lodge, cabins, a restaurant, bar, and a gift shop. We decided that we didn't need to drive back again in the morning since it was about an hour to get here from our campsite. The lodge has a wonderful stone patio overlooking the canyon, so we found the bar, got a couple beers and sat out on the patio as the sun set over the Grand Canyon. It was very windy and we were glad that we had a car full of clothes because we needed pants and long sleeves to enjoy the views. As we were sitting on the patio, the views really got me, the sun was making the canyon look purple or blue and they were starting to take my breath away.
Grand Canyon at Dusk |
We knew we had an hour drive back to camp and once the sun went down the road was pitch black so we didn't stay long after sun down. On the drive, we took some great pictures as the wilderness beautiful bathed in moon light. We reached our camp safely and decided to make some tuna melts for a late dinner before hitting the hay with intentions of driving to Sin City in the morning.
Driving towards Kaibab |
Dead Tree Night |