Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Kitchen Ideas: Jars of Pickled Peppers

Kitchen Ideas: Pickled Peppers

I have recently been pointed towards a website that has changed my life. It is instrucatbles.com and is essentially a DIY website. It has all sorts of projects that people have done and included step-by-step instructions on how to succeed on your project. The projects range from simple to, well let's say out of my league.

As I have found this website, I am now trying to make homemade things and my first project I decided should be an easy one and one that I’ve actually already blogged about: jarring foods from pickles to salsa or nuts to BBQ sauce. Well instructables gave me another idea…hot peppers.

I love spicy foods and one of my favorite meals is an Italian Beef Sandwich with hot peppers (a.k.a Giardiniera) from Portillos. So if I were to ever make some Italian Beef these peppers would be perfect for the sandwich.

I used a pound of jalapenos, banana peppers, and 1 habanero pepper. I also included some carrots and I wish I had used some celery and/or cauliflower. The pickling ingredients are white vinegar, water, garlic, and salt, and of course you need some jars.

Here is the exact directions I used:


And after you are done with these instructions you should browse around the website for anything that strikes your fancy.

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